My Guide to Wine Paring

everal years ago, I found myself sitting in an Indian restaurant and as often is the case, my husband (at the time boyfriend) Brian and I were ordering the same meal. We both love lamb and when we find it on a menu at a good restaurant it’s a pretty good bet that one or both of us will order it. On this occasion we both settled on Lamb Vindaloo, a super spicy Indian curry dish from the Goa region. I had always been under the impression that if you order something really spicy that you should go with a white wine, something like a Riesling. Although that can work, the owner of the restaurant suggested a pairing that I never considered. He asked us to trust him and he brought a bottle of Catena Alta Malbec. At $60.00 for a bottle, it was a little more than we usually spend on wine for dinner, but we were celebrating a nice bonus check from work.

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