I didn’t start drinking wine until about 2001, but by 2007 I was really hooked and my taste for wine began to grow.  I wanted to learn more, and I felt like my inexperience was too much to overcome and that really great wine was something for someone far more sophisticated than me. There is wine from so many countries and in all of those countries there are wine regions. How am I supposed to know what it all means? What wine glass am I supposed to drink from? What wine am I supposed to eat with which food? How do I taste wine without loooking like I have no idea of what I’m doing? My goal for Wino.Blog is to help make the world of wine a little more understandable by sharing my experiences and to learn more about wine along with my readers. Wine is not only for the uber sophisticated wine drinker, it’s for you and me too.

Most of my friends have been to a wine tasting, and not all of them have known what they are supposed to do. Some have some misconceptions and not known some of the terms that get thrown around. Wino.Blog is here to explain the hows and whys and to try and fill in some of the blanks.

Wino.Blog is a little different than what you typically see in a wine blog.  Wino.Blog is not about reviewing wines, although we will do some of that, but we are about helping wine drinkers understand and navigate the world of wine.  I have traveled the US and Italy learning about wine and learning from some very passionate winemakers.  I have also made wine at home, some good, some bad and will share some of my successes and failures. 

Back in 2012 I attempted to create a wine blog, but that was simply reviewing wines.  In this blog I want to take a journey with my readers and explore wine in a more interactive way.  I hope you enjoy the site, leave comments, join the conversation and have some fun!